@ayosuke @yu_miri_0622 @aknmssm
九州リンゴ村、豊作だ・・・ リンゴは寒い地方はウソ
里山システムでは、コンピュータは必携である - バリシステム
Curriculum Vitae
Professor of Anthropology; Adjunct Professor, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
221 Haury Bldg., University of Arizona, Tucson AZ 85721-003
Telephone 520 621-6310 Email jlansing@email.arizona.edu
Fax 520 621-2088
Website http://www.ic.arizona.edu/~lansing/home.htm
Professor, Santa Fe Institute
1399 Hyde Park Rd., Santa Fe, N. M. 87501
Telephone 505 984-8800 Email lansing@santafe.edu
Fax 505 982-0565 Website http://www.santafe.edu/
Senior Research Fellow, Stockholm Resilience Centre
Stockholm University
Ph.D. Anthropology University of Michigan 1977
Doctoral fellow The Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, N.J. 1976
M.A. Anthropology University of Michigan 1974
B.A. with highest honors Wesleyan University, Middletown CT 1972
Santa Fe Institute
2009- External Professor
2002-2007 Professor
1999-2002 External Professor
University of Arizona
2002- Professor, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
1998- Professor, Anthropology
Stockholm University
2008- Senior Research Fellow, Stockholm Resilience Centre
University of Michigan
1995-8 Professor, School of Natural Resources and Environment
1995-8 Professor, Anthropology
University of Southern California
1990-6 Professor, Anthropology
1987-92 Chair, Department of Anthropology
1983 Associate Professor, Anthropology
1977 Assistant Professor, Anthropology
2007 Julian Steward Book Prize for Perfect Order
2007 Winifred Jean Stubbs Fellow, Institute for Advanced Study, Durham
2000 Fellow, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford
1997 University of Michigan Excellence in Research award
1995 J.I. Staley Book Prize ($7500) of the School of American Research
1992 Phi Kappa Phi Book Prize
1986 Fulbright Senior Regional Research Fellow
1979 National Endowment for the Humanities
1976 Doctoral fellow, The Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, N.J.
1974 Social Science Research Council Doctoral Fellowship
1974 Fulbright dissertation fellowship
Editorial Board, Journal of Political Ecology
Editorial Board, Ecology and Society
American Anthropology Association
Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde
Science Steering Committee and Robustness Advisory Board, Santa Fe Institute
Society for Political Ecology
Sociocultural theory, ecological anthropology, complexity, population genetics,
poverty and development, Indonesian ethnography, Austronesian ethnography
and prehistory, ethnographic film
2007 National Science Foundation $1,247,928
“Anthropological models of social structure, genes and language
2007 National Science Foundation $75,000
“Indonesian Origins: Genes, Languages and Cultures” video programs
2004 National Science Foundation $675,000
“The Austronesian Expansion: Reading Social Structure from the Genome”
2002 National Science Foundation $32,789
“Conference on Robustness in Coupled Natural and Human Systems”
2000 National Science Foundation #BCS-0083524 $1,000,000
“Biocomplexity: Emergence of cooperation from human-environmental
1997 University of Michigan $68,385
“Genesis: Agent-based modeling of behavioral ecology”
1996 United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization
“Computer Assisted Advisory and Planning (COMEXAP) Programme in
1995 National Science Foundation #SBR 962990 $188,671
click here to preview this film
九州リンゴ村、豊作だ・・・ リンゴは寒い地方はウソ
里山システムでは、コンピュータは必携である - バリシステム
Curriculum Vitae
Professor of Anthropology; Adjunct Professor, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
221 Haury Bldg., University of Arizona, Tucson AZ 85721-003
Telephone 520 621-6310 Email jlansing@email.arizona.edu
Fax 520 621-2088
Website http://www.ic.arizona.edu/~lansing/home.htm
Professor, Santa Fe Institute
1399 Hyde Park Rd., Santa Fe, N. M. 87501
Telephone 505 984-8800 Email lansing@santafe.edu
Fax 505 982-0565 Website http://www.santafe.edu/
Senior Research Fellow, Stockholm Resilience Centre
Stockholm University
Ph.D. Anthropology University of Michigan 1977
Doctoral fellow The Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, N.J. 1976
M.A. Anthropology University of Michigan 1974
B.A. with highest honors Wesleyan University, Middletown CT 1972
Santa Fe Institute
2009- External Professor
2002-2007 Professor
1999-2002 External Professor
University of Arizona
2002- Professor, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
1998- Professor, Anthropology
Stockholm University
2008- Senior Research Fellow, Stockholm Resilience Centre
University of Michigan
1995-8 Professor, School of Natural Resources and Environment
1995-8 Professor, Anthropology
University of Southern California
1990-6 Professor, Anthropology
1987-92 Chair, Department of Anthropology
1983 Associate Professor, Anthropology
1977 Assistant Professor, Anthropology
2007 Julian Steward Book Prize for Perfect Order
2007 Winifred Jean Stubbs Fellow, Institute for Advanced Study, Durham
2000 Fellow, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford
1997 University of Michigan Excellence in Research award
1995 J.I. Staley Book Prize ($7500) of the School of American Research
1992 Phi Kappa Phi Book Prize
1986 Fulbright Senior Regional Research Fellow
1979 National Endowment for the Humanities
1976 Doctoral fellow, The Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, N.J.
1974 Social Science Research Council Doctoral Fellowship
1974 Fulbright dissertation fellowship
Editorial Board, Journal of Political Ecology
Editorial Board, Ecology and Society
American Anthropology Association
Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde
Science Steering Committee and Robustness Advisory Board, Santa Fe Institute
Society for Political Ecology
Sociocultural theory, ecological anthropology, complexity, population genetics,
poverty and development, Indonesian ethnography, Austronesian ethnography
and prehistory, ethnographic film
2007 National Science Foundation $1,247,928
“Anthropological models of social structure, genes and language
2007 National Science Foundation $75,000
“Indonesian Origins: Genes, Languages and Cultures” video programs
2004 National Science Foundation $675,000
“The Austronesian Expansion: Reading Social Structure from the Genome”
2002 National Science Foundation $32,789
“Conference on Robustness in Coupled Natural and Human Systems”
2000 National Science Foundation #BCS-0083524 $1,000,000
“Biocomplexity: Emergence of cooperation from human-environmental
1997 University of Michigan $68,385
“Genesis: Agent-based modeling of behavioral ecology”
1996 United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization
“Computer Assisted Advisory and Planning (COMEXAP) Programme in
1995 National Science Foundation #SBR 962990 $188,671
The Three Worlds of Bali
institutional price includes public performance rights
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contact us for rentals and 16mm orders (institutions & organizations only)
overnight shipping available upon request
PayPal purchases ship via USPS Priority Mail
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overnight shipping available upon request
On the Indonesian island of Bali, the arts permeate almost every aspect of daily life. Gamelan music, wayang (shadow puppet) theater, dance, and elaborately constructed offerings of foods and flowers all represent attempts to please the gods and placate demons. In Balinese cosmology, demons are thought to dwell in the watery underworld, gods in the upper world, and human beings in the middle realm between the two. Much of human effort is directed toward maintaining the proper balance between these worlds, and between the forces of growth and decay.
The pinnacle of such efforts is the ritual Eka Dasa Rudra, held once every hundred years. The entire population of the island is mobilized for this event, preparing offerings and streaming from thousands of village temples in processions to the sea. Eleven demons, of which Rudra is the most powerful, must be transformed into beneficient spirits. No one who participated in the ritual filmed in 1979 had ever witnessed its performance, which last occurred a century ago, and so the ritual was based on writings in ancient lontar-palm manuscripts.
There is also a political dimention to Eka Dasa Rudra. In 1963, upon the urging of then President Sukarno, Balinese priests prepared to hold the ritual before the calendrically proper year. Preparations were met with the first eruption in recorded history of Bali's great volcano, Gunung Agung. This terrible disaster was seen as a confirmation of the gods' and demons' powers and the necessity of honoring the traditional calendar. In the spring of 1979, when Eka Dasa Rudra was finally held, President Suharto arrived, but not by his helicopter, which, it was feared, might have impeded the demons' descent.
About Odyssey series
In an attempt to cut the often esoteric ice of anthropology, PBS released in 1980 the first season of Odyssey, a newly-created series of anthropological documentaries, with a second season in 1981. The entire series was produced by Public Broadcasting Associates of Boston, with major funding by the National Endowment for the Humanities. Additional funding was provided by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and Polaroid. Michael Ambrosino is the Executive Producer of the series.
In an attempt to cut the often esoteric ice of anthropology, PBS released in 1980 the first season of Odyssey, a newly-created series of anthropological documentaries, with a second season in 1981. The entire series was produced by Public Broadcasting Associates of Boston, with major funding by the National Endowment for the Humanities. Additional funding was provided by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and Polaroid. Michael Ambrosino is the Executive Producer of the series.
other films in the Odyssey series:
The Ancient Mariners
Ben's Mill
The Chaco Legacy
Dadi's Family
Franz Boas
The Incas
Little Injustices
Margaret Mead: Taking Note
Maya Lords of the Jungle
Myths and the Moundbuilders
On the Cowboy Trail
Other People's Garbage
Seeking the First Americans
The Ancient Mariners
Ben's Mill
The Chaco Legacy
Dadi's Family
Franz Boas
The Incas
Little Injustices
Margaret Mead: Taking Note
Maya Lords of the Jungle
Myths and the Moundbuilders
On the Cowboy Trail
Other People's Garbage
Seeking the First Americans
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